Chief Cherokee #2063
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Marx Stock Number: 2063
Produced: 1965-1969?
Chief Cherokee Indian was yet another pioneer in the western arena for Marx. 1 st issue Cherokees had caramel colored poly-plastic bodies, and straight hands. Like Johnny, the hands were upgraded to the gripping style around 1966-1967. Chief Cherokee is 12" tall and can be identified by his braided hair. His accessories were initially brown soft Vinyl, and dark brown poly-plastic. In the late 1960's-1972, it appears the Chief was not produced. He returned in the early 1970's in a MOD/cactus style box (around 1973). Cherokee's body style was also changed to match the mold of another Marx Indian figure, Geronimo. The body was still molded in caramel color and exterior type rivet pins were added to give better strength. 1 st issue versions can be identified by their unique waist, and body style that was changed in the latter issues. Many Cherokees too are found in poor condition today like Boones, and Johnnys, especially the earlier versions. The caramel bodies just didn't last through the decades. In 1974, His box went to the BOTW style. In 1975 The JWA series marked another change. The body color was lighted up to a light caramel cream color, and the accessories were changed to red soft vinyl with an extra soft vinyl red/white/blue painted headdress and shield. The poly-plastic accessories remained brown. As far as Canadian differences? MOD “coloured” Cherokees I have found were molded in lime green. The MOD coloured Indian accessories were teal soft vinyl and silver poly-plastic. The strange thing about Canadian issues is they are not shown in Canadian guides? I have never seen box packaging either? They may or may not have been produced. More research will decide this one. UK differences? Cherokees seem to have a slightly lighter color body than do the typical caramel colored US versions. Poly-plastic accessories are a darker brown color in the UK version I recently found. The UK "Wagon Train" box variation I find quite interesting.Our books and modules show excellent differences in full color for variations of these figures, check out the book section for more details. and I have illustrated it for reference in this book.
36 accessories (no headband) 
Soft Vinyl Accessories:
Breast Plate with straps (1)
Shield Strap (1)
Arrow Quiver (1)
Belt-beaded type (1)
Wampum strip (1)
Feathered Head Band (1)
Ceremonial mask (1)
Parfleche-(shoulder bag) (1)
Parfleche Strap (1)
Hat-Buffalo Horned (1)
Headdress-Feathered (1)
Headdress Tail-Feathered (1)
Headdress Side pieces (2)
Pony Blanket-(w/strap) (2)
Blanket Cinch (1)
Hackamore (Indian rope for reins) (1)
Poly-Plastic Accessories:
Shield-Brown (1)
Knife-Bowie Type (1)
Knife-sheath (1)
Bow (1)
Arrows (6)
Spear (1)
Tomahawk (1)
Bear Claw Necklace (1)
Peace pipe (1)
Rifle-1873 Springfield (1)
Tom Tom (drum) (1)
Tom Tom stick (1)
Rattle (1)
War Club (1)
Total - 36